BUILD. Built for a lifetime.
It is impossible to build an AV system to last for forever. BUT, it is possible to craft an experience that fosters a relationship that will far outlast the AV systems we create.
Equipment wears out and malfunctions, but relationships that are well-maintained can last forever. Relationships based on trust that develop from a properly executed project are what people are searching for in a partner for their ministry, organization and business.
If we pursue building relationships while creating forward-thinking AVL systems, we can do something uniquely different: We can build something that can last. We can build a relationship that when customers talk with people they know about 5WM, they share about the truly remarkable interaction they had with a company that understands.
Nothing about that has anything to do with audio visual & lighting technology. It has everything to do with people. And we will build this company from our people.
Catalyst Church - Glendale, AZ
(NEC Laser Projectors, QSC Line Array Speaker Systems, Allen & Heath GLD112 Console, BMD ATEM 1M/E Switcher, Studio Camera 4K, Studio Micro Camera 4K)