Become a Sponsor!
Calvary Chapel in Hixson, TN is super pleased with their Coda Audio system they just received from their $100,000 giveaway from 5 Words Media and @worshipleaderprobs!
In 2019, 5 Words Media launched #FreeChurchAV giveaway as an opportunity for one lucky church to win a free Audio, Video & Lighting system valued up to $200,000. Hope Church in Danville, VA won the Season 1 giveaway and the result was fantastic!
In 2020, we did it again with Season 2 sponsorships given up to $231,000 for Ohana Baptist Church in Honolulu, HI!
Ashlyn Greene from Calvary Chapel Northside is thrilled with her Shure PSM 300 in ear monitors she received with her #FreeChurchAV giveaway!
And in 2021 we awarded TWO WINNERS for a combined total of $300,000 in AV & Lighting! Community Church of God in Ft. Lauderdale, FL was our $200K winner and Calvary Chaple in Hixson, TN was our $100K winner!
We are excited for the opportunity to partner with you for Season 4 to gift two lucky winners of #FreeChurchAV with a completely free Audio, Video & Lighting system!
Check out our sponsorship levels below and let us know how you would like to be a part of this amazing opportunity!
FreeChurchAV Season 4’s Winner: Blue Ridge Chapel’s first Sunday with their brand new LED Wall from the Platinum Sponsor of Season 4, Absen LED!
In 2022 we flew all the way to Rocky Mount, Virginia to announce the winner of FreeChurchAV Season 4 and awarded them with $200,000. We chose Blue Ridge Chapel to help further their Bible College and help them train the next generation with state of the art AVL equipment to further the students ministry back home!
We are excited for the opportunity to partner with you for Season 5 to gift a Church a #FreeChurchAV makeover with a completely free Audio, Video & Lighting system!
Check out our sponsorship levels below and let us know how you would like to be a part of this amazing opportunity!
Platinum Level (1)
Platinum Level Sponsorship Package includes:
“Sponsor Name presents #FreeChurchAV Season 5” on logo(WILL BE FEATURED ON EVERY FREECHURCHAV SOCIAL MEDIA POST)
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Platinum Sponsor
Video/photo social media promotions during FreeChurchAV install and collaborative posts
5WM will fly out for a factory interview for collaborative social media posts talking over your process and gear your sponsoring for FreeChurchAV
Promotional week with social media promotions
FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufactures product through 5WM during FreeChurchAV campaign
Design meeting with 5WM and winner of FreeChurchAV.
Custom Swag raffles of product during contest entry period with online voting*
Interactive Onsite Interview with the Winner**
Diamond Level (2)
Diamond Level Sponsorship Package includes:
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Diamond Sponsor
Video/photo social media promotions during FreeChurchAV install and collaborative posts
5WM will fly out for a factory interview for collaborative social media posts talking over your process and gear your sponsoring for FreeChurchAV
Promotional week with social media promotions
FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufactures product through 5WM during FreeChurchAV campaign
(1) Raffles of product during contest entry period with online voting*
Interactive Onsite Interview with the Winner**
Gold Level (3)
Gold Level Sponsorship Package includes:
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Gold Sponsor
Video/photo social media for FreeChurchAV install week and collaborative posts
Promotional week with social media promotions
FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufactures product through 5WM during FreeChurchAV campaign
(1) Raffles of product during contest entry period with online voting*
Onsite Interview with the Winner**
Silver Level (4)
Silver Level Sponsorship Package includes:
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Silver Sponsor
Photo social media for FreeChurchAV install week and collaborative posts
FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufactures product through 5WM during FreeChurchAV campaign
(1) Raffles of product during contest entry period with online voting*
Bronze Level (5)
Bronze Level Sponsorship Package includes:
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Bronze Sponsor
Featured on 5WM Social Media’s
#FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufacturer’s product through 5 Words Media
Partnership Level (5)
Partnership Level Sponsorship Package includes:
Listed on #FreeChurchAV site as a Partner
#FreeChurchAV digital coupon towards manufactures product through 5WM