Complete AV & Lighting renovation at Chicago First Church of the Nazarene.
chicago first church of the nazarene
5 Words Media was approached by JR Lighting Design, Inc. (Orland Park, IL) to assist and aid in the design and build of an audio, video, and lighting system for Chicago First Church of the Nazarene’s (Lemont, IL) 1,000 seat sanctuary, that would be flexible for a wide range of applications, as well as discreet and accessible from multiple computer terminals and access points. The project was designed and completed within the required 8 month construction schedule.
We specified a system around their existing power and building infrastructure. This design and engineering approach resulted in an A/V/L system that will support the ministry for the next 20 years.The project was a renovation of an existing glue-lam beam structure that required attachment coordination as well as 3D sightline studies for the live projection, environmental projection, as well as placement consideration for the flown speaker system.
Each networked system can be patched, switched, and controlled from a GUI interface to shift and change the layout of the system, as events and ministry scope changes for the church.
The video broadcast system meets current production needs as well as the future. We installed a 4K ready 6G SDI video system with matrix routing and switching from start to finish. Video Projection was handled by DLP projectors on low profile, Ultra-thin bezel screens from Da-Lite.
Audio system includes Electro-Voice Speaker and Lab-Gruppen amplifier system, Yamaha CL5 digital console and a distributed Dante networked infrastructure.
The state-of-the-art lighting system is comprised of Pathway Connectivity DMX nodes, ETC switched relay systems and ETC architectural control integration. The infrastructure now supports new Martin Mac Viper and Aura fixtures, as well as Altman Spectra Cyc and Chalice LED house fixtures. Environmental projection is handled by 4 High End Systems DLV digital luminaires seamlessly projecting on a 1200′ sq. ft. projection surface and controlled from a HES Road Hog Console.
““5WM was selected from three AVL firms due to their worship-focused personnel, willingness to work with us on budget and infrastructure, and ability to provide solution driven advice.””
5WM Crew:
Daniel Gourley
Jason Schwartzel
Adam Alden
Sarah Reed
Aaron Kobel
Brian Carr
Michael Homewood
Tim Owens
Sergio Alvarado
Blackmagic Design ATEM Switching
Extron HDMI Transport
Panasonic Cameras
Electrovoice Speakers
Lab Gruppen PLM Amplifiers
Shure Wireless Mics
Yamaha CL5 Digital Console
Martin Mac Viper Luminaires
Altman Chalice LED DownLite